Releases 1 / 2
Potentiam "Years in the shadows" - CD 19.01.2007 (SD29CD)
Dark Avantgarde-Metal
1. Elysium
2. Mirror god
3. The idolized
4. Eternity’s dark embrace
5. 8 for holy rebels
6. Chameleon
7. Black light
8. Star of the 10th moon
Cerberus "Klagelieder - Grabesgesang" - CD 31.03.2006 (SD28CD)
1. Blackend
2. If frozen fire falls
3. Drachenland
4. Seven Gates
5. Song of Blood and Ice
6. Klagelieder - Grabesgesang
7. Siegestanz
8. Todestränen
Uhrilehto "Ihmisvihan Eliitti" - CD 02.12.2005 (SD27CD)
1. Marraskuun kahdeksas
2. Henkisesti sairas
3. Kolmen minuutin armopala
4. Huoranpenikat ja huijarikuninkaat
5. Vitutuksen viitoittama vuosikymmen
6. Korpimetsän perkele
7. Vasaroin ja taltoin
8. Musta tie tyhjyyteen
9. Amputoitu yhteiskunta / Maailma vailla raajoja
Taunusheim "Nebelkämpfe" - CD 02.05.2005 (SD26CD)
1. Sleipnir
2. Getrunken das Bier
3. Nebelkämpfe
4. Wundenschmiede
5. Taunusheim
6. Followed by the Raven
7. Die Reise zum Aar
+ Video-Clip “Taunusheim”
Uhrilehto "Viimeinen Vitutus" - CD 15.11.2004 (SD25CD) SOLD OUT
Melodic Dark- / Black-Metal

1. Vitutuksen Evankeliumi (Intro)
2. Grasping claws of pestilence
3. Some black inferno
4. 1939
5. The beast of Gevaudan
6. The last grieving farewell
7. Meat hook Jesus
8. Omnia morte / gas masked earth perdition
9. Modern nemesis syndicate
10. Vain flesh grandeur
Carved in Stone "Hear the voice" - CD 19.04.2004 (SD24CD) SOLD OUT
1. Boten Asgards
2. Jeg lagde meg sa silde
3. Last words
4. Das Lied
5. Warrior and Man
6. Sohn der Morgenröte
7. Heldentod
8. Die Gärten der Feen
9. The Lady of the wood
10. Ungehorsam
11. Invictus
Cerberus "Chapters of Blackness" - CD 17.11.2003 (SD23CD)
1. Intro
2. Chapter of Blackness
3. Flames in the black sky
4. Black fucking Holocaust
5. Total Destroy
6. Demons Voice
7. Screams of Cerberus
8. Cerberus
9. Creatures of the night
10. Throne of Hate
11. Sentido
12. Was war vergeht
13. Outro
+ Multi Media Video Clip "Was war vergeht"
Uhrilehto "Vitutus Millennium" - CD 10.03.2003 (SD22CD)
Melodic Dark- / Black-Metal
1. History has it's scars
2. Not of this bastard world
3. Aliencity of deprivement
4. Scapegoats and ragdolls
5. Thorn´s of a requiem below
6. Profane deathwish apocalypse
7. Damnated grace of life
8. Rapture in despair
9. Suicide at the cemetary
10. Vitutus Millennium
11. Through the years of bitterness
Carved in Stone "The forgotten belief" - MCD 2002 (SD21CD) SOLD OUT
Mystic Folk-Music
1. Die zwei Raben
2. Longing for home
3. Nächtlicher Tanz
4. The forgotten belief
5. Ruins
6. Im Saal voller Licht

Elisabetha "Renfield" (SD20CD) SOLD OUT
Old Pagan "Menschenverachtung" (SD19CD) SOLD OUT
Socius / Augur "Goldgruben / Custodia" Portugal Export (HZ014) (SD18CD) SOLD OUT
Cerberus "First Destruction (Live)" - MCD 2001 (SD17CD) SOLD OUT
Bestial Black-Metal

1. Intro
2. Cerberus
3. Flames in the black sky
4. Creatures of the night
5. Total Destroy
6. Kalte Augen im Schnee
7. Outro
+ Multi Media Video Clip "Cerberus"
V.A. "Schwarzdorn Mailorder Compilation" (SD16CD) SOLD OUT
Socius "Goldgruben" (SD15CD) SOLD OUT
Magister "Freaks" (SD14T) SOLD OUT
Taunusheim "Ilmarsj" MC 1997 (SD13T) SOLD OUT
Pagan / Black-Metal

1. Die Schlacht von Stainmore (Intro)
2. Dunkler Wald, dunkler Weg
3. Das Volk der Treuen
4. Dark voices behind the trees
5. Andelos i den kamp
6. Fornoyelse (Intro)
7. From the north
8. Day of the tribe
9. North Star (Intro)
10. Born in the forests of the north
11. Ilmarsj
Augur "Custodia" (SD12T) SOLD OUT
Sententia "Zorn" (SD11T) SOLD OUT
Think About "Finsternis" (SD10T) SOLD OUT
Augur / Socius "Sermo Facetus Tenebrae / Taunus" (SD08T) SOLD OUT
Raw Black-Metal
Magister "Der Philosoph" (SD07T) SOLD OUT
Taunusheim "Lejrild" MC 1997 (SD06T) SOLD OUT

1. Lukke opp (Intro)
2. Vi er igjen der
3. Lejrild
4. Fangenskap
5. Hvile Seg (Intro)
6. Var kunne
7. Nar det lys bli
8. En stolt dag
9. Var sist kamp ?
10. Solnedgang (Outro)
Label-Bands (nur für Vertriebe / Mailorder) (SD05C) SOLD OUT
Taunusheim / Think About (Split-Tape) (SD04T) SOLD OUT
Taunusheim "I´m a Viking from Norway" MC 1996 (SD03T) SOLD OUT

1. Intro
2. Vikings, we are
3. Die Schlacht der Gewinner
4. I`m a viking from norway
5. Kampf der Mächte
6. Normannen
7. Erik der Wikinger
8. Hendes sidden dod
9. Outro
Magister "Wir die Necrony Kinder" (SD02T) SOLD OUT
Think About "Wunschlose Träume" (SD01C) SOLD OUT